Pubblicazioni di Shakhboz Mustafaev

Number Title Publication Details Year
1 The role of virtual discourse in the educational environment ARABIC LANGUAGE IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION: International scientific and practical conference on INNOVATIVE APPROACHES AND TEACHING METHODOLOGY, pp. 663-667 2023
2 Language and virtual communication via the internet: Alienation of personality International Journal of Speech Arts. #4 (2023) DOI 2023
3 Communicative behaviour as a problem of intercultural communication Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GIIRJ), Vol. 11 Issue 2 Feb. (2023) 582-588 2023
4 Similarities between the tenses mile and objective forms of the verb in Uzbeki and Italian languages Pedagogs Journal, Vol. 22(2), 59–66, ISSN: 2181-4027_SJIF: 4.995 2022
5 Structure and scope of application of verb phrases in Italian language International Scientific and Practical Conference on "Theoretical and Practical Basis of Increasing the Efficiency of Foreign Language Teaching in the Military Field", April 29, 2022, p. 427 2022
6 Coverage of the characters in Uzbek and Italian children's literature based on the method of comparative analysis Journal of Positive School Psychology (JPSP), Vol. 6 No. 4 5612 – 5620 2022
7 Stereotypes in the study of language and gender Українська мова, №7 (04) 2022 Tom 2, ISSN 1632-3540, Impakt-faktor УИНц-7.8 Odessa 168 b (133-138) 2022
8 Translation of idiomatic expressions in journalistic texts (based on articles from English-language periodicals) Українська мова, №3 (11) 2021, 152-160, ISSN-1682-3540, Impakt-faktor-7.8 2021